I feel very good today, in all ways:  physically, emotionally, mentally.  I love it when I feel like this!  Especially after I had a less-than-stellar weekend. 

Let’s just say that french fries were involved and that I snacked, snacked, snacked on Sunday.

But guess what?  The scale read 190lbs this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means I’ve lost 42lbs.  That’s more than my 4 year old weighs.  I got him to lay on my back last night and then I tried to do some push-ups with him on me.  With him on my back, I was essentially back at my starting weight.  Good Gravy, was it heavy!  I could barely manage 3 push-ups!  Once again, I am utterly astounded that I used to carry that around on a daily basis.  Truly humbling.

Today, at the gym, I was dancing on the treadmill after telling my friend about getting to 190lbs.  My trainer walked by and I hollered out that I hit 190 and gave him a big High 5.  So anyone who was paying attention knows exactly what I weigh.  And I’m totally cool with that.  So, so many woman would be mortified to weigh that–and technically it’s still quite overweight.  But I’ve come so far!  And we women compare ourselves to one another far too often.  Far too often we measure our worth by the number on the scale.  God knows I’ve caught myself doing it.

On to other matters:  I have discovered Taco Bell’s Fresco menu.  I don’t know why I never bothered to look for healthy options at Taco Bell–I probably assumed there were none.  I got the Fresco Burrito Supreme with Steak.  Man, it was SO good.  It tastes way too good to be a lighter option.  It has 8 grams of fat and 330 calories, 6.5 WW points.  But that sucker is HUGE!   Unfortunately, I allowed myself to get far too hungry and it didn’t satisfy my hunger.  I had some chicken and oatmeal and cheerios when I got home.  Not perfect, but they are healthy options.  I didn’t rip through the box of Girl Scout Crack, uh, I mean cookies in the freezer.